November/December 1995
THE SHADOW ON THE THRONE - by Sarah Starr. How King George III's influence on the Prince
Regent remained in effect throughout the Regency.
A STRANGER IN THE LAND - by Gail Eastwood. The surprising way that foreign prisoners-of-war
were allowed to live in England.
A FRIVOLOUS DISTINCTION - part one. By Marilyn Clay. Regency fashion trends, descriptions
of clothing from Jane Austen's letters & novels. Illustrated.
September/October 1995
IS MILADY RECEIVING? - by Jeanne Carmichael. Protocol for the proper use of calling cards;
morning calls, receiving invitations, acknowledging them, "at-homes".
WELLINGTON'S INSPECTOR GENERAL OF HOSPITALS - by Barbara Miller. Conditions of field hospitals,
surgeries, medicines, bandages.
ROYAL GHOSTS - by Marilyn Clay. Legends associated with famous ghostly apparitions seen
in England's palaces and castles.
SWEET WATERS - by Sarah Starr. Regency perfumes, ingredients, costs.
18th & 19th CENTURY TITLES - by Jo Beverley. How to keep titles straight.
July/August 1995
THE ENGLISH RIVIERA - by Meg-Lynn Roberts. Regency Devon's south coast holiday spots.
Exmouth, Sidmouth, Teignmouth.
ROTHSCHILD'S RIVER OF GOLD - by Barbara Miller. How Nathan Rothchild made his millions
during the Napoleonic wars.
FROM LONDON TO BATH - by Julia Kingery. Mile by mile, town by village, a journey from London
to Bath. Anecdotes and sights along the road. Places pinpointed on map illustrating article.
AN INGENIOUS BEDSTEAD FOR THE SICK - by Marilyn Clay. Illustrated. Description from
1802 literature.
May/June 1995
THE WOODSMAN COMETH - by Paula Tanner Girard. A tour around Regency London with emphasis
on native trees and forests that were there then. Illustrated with map.
WILLIAM COBBETT - by JoAnn Ferguson. Bio of the activist, naturalist and pamphleteer writer.
JUST A PINCH, MY DEAR! - by Kristine Hughes. All about snuff and boxes. Anecdotes.
REGENCY REMEDIES - By Sarah Starr. Regency cures for gout, hiccoughs, asthma.
COURT PRESENTATION - by Carola Dunn. How a young lady was presented at court, who invited
her, who went, when and where held.
March/April 1995
THE ACTOR ON TRIAL - by Marilyn Clay. The rise and fall of the famous actor, Edmund Kean.
BE IT EVER SO HUMBLE; part two - by Gail Eastwood. More on 18th & 19th Century London
town houses. Floor plans of the most grand.
THE NABOB - by Donna Davidson. Origins of East India Company, trade routes, pay scales,
pirates, cargos, life on board ship at sea.
January/February 1995
BE IT EVER SO HUMBLE; part one - by Gail Eastwood. London town houses; famous architects,
where build, why so narrow.
COSMETICS - by Jaclyn Reding. Potions used by young ladies to whiten skin, erase freckles,
cure blemishes. Dangers of some. Prices of.
REGENCY FURNITURE - by Marilyn Clay. Famous Regency cabinet makers, shop locations, prices
paid for furniture, glossary of unusual terms.
SERVANT'S LIVERY - by Kristine Hughes. Uniform descriptions of tigers, butlers, cooks,
November/December 1994
WHAT'S THAT ON THE WALL? part one - by Lionel Johnson. A progressive history of English
art, highlighting Regency artists.
FANS - by Kristine Hughes. The history of Regency-era fan making; different styles popular
during the Regency.
FAN FLIRTATION - chart giving the meanings of various fan & glove movements.
THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PAST - by Marilyn Clay. History of the Christmas season; olde customs,
traditions, names of Christmas songs. How the season was observed.
GARDENS OF THE CURIOUS - by Melissa Frederick. Remedies from Culpeper.
September/October 1994
THE REGENCY CHRONOLOGY: Part Three - 1817-1820 - by Marilyn Clay. Princess Caroline's death,
Victoria's birth, the Regent becomes King.
THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND - from the Angela Thirkel Society. Explains High, Low and Broad
Church; how clergy was addressed. Hierarchy of Canons, Archdeans, Deans.
THE GREVILLE MEMOIRS - by Melissa Frederick. Excerpts from Greville diary, entries about
Duke of York, Oatlands, racing.
WHAT KIND OF BLOCK AM I? - by JoAnn Ferguson. The different ways of calling one
a fool in popular Regency slang terms.
July/August 1994
THE WICKED LORD BYRON - by June Calvin. The scandalous escapades of Byron including his
affair with Caro Lamb, mistresses, homosexual conduct.
QUEEN OF HEARTS - by Lynn Kerstan. Famous Regency courtesan, the Harriette Wilson story.
OFF THE TURNPIKES - by Gail Eastwood. Travel along back roadways, rivers, canals in old
LANGUAGE OF WAR - by Anne Barbour. 19th C. war terms and definitions.
May/June 1994
A MENAGERIE, A MINT, A MUSEUM - by Marilyn Clay. History of the Tower of London, animals,
jewels, descriptions of ancient armour displayed, escapes from Tower, more.
MUSIC TO OUR EARS - by Tammy Loy. Birth of the London Philharmonic Society, names of music
and conductors during Regency period.
LORD MAYOR & SEDITIOUS ACTIVITY IN 1816 - by Kate Moore. Ways that London's
Lord Mayor tried to halt worker's riots in 1816.
BATH ADDRESS BOOK - by Marilyn Clay. Names and addresses of famous people who lived
in Bath in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries.
BRITISH SPYING ACTIVITY - question answered by Alicia Rasley.
March/April 1994
GOTTA' SING, GOTTA' DANCE - by Margaret E. Porter. A guide to Regency theatres in
London, Bath, Bristol, Brighton, Edinburgh. Who performed. Cost to attend.
ON THE ROAD AGAIN - by JoAnn Ferguson. Travel on the continent during the Regency.
THE PENINSULAR WAR - by Tracy Grant. Chronicle of Wellington's famous war campaigns.
CALL ME ISHMAEL - by Robin Hacking. Accounts of famous seafaring disasters of the period.
January/February - 1994
GENTLEMEN'S FASHION - by Jo Manning. The style of dress for a Regency gentleman, patterns,
famous tailors.
A REGENCY ARTIST - by Barbara Sherrod. The art of Amelia J. Murray.
BE MINE, & I SHALL BE THINE - by Kristine Hughes. History of Valentines.
A VIOLET BY A MOSSY STONE - by Carola Dunn. Chart showing wildflowers, with blooming times,
description, colors, where they grow.
SO THAT'S HOW HE DID IT - by Kristine Hughes. Anecdotes about Beau Brummell.
November/December 1993
TOYS IN THE ATTIC - by Teresa DesJardien. Popular Regency toys, and games played by Regency children.
...AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT - by Jo Ann Ferguson. Christmas customs, history.
THE ARMY THAT DEFEATED NAPOLEON - by Alicia Rasley. Wellington's army organization, uniform
colors, regiment names.
THE TITLE'S THE THING - by Mary Jo Putney. Keeping titles straight.
RESEARCH QUESTION ANSWERED - by Emily Hendrickson. Tapes in a young lady's gown.
September/October 1993
BY THE SEA - by Meg Lynn Roberts. Famous English seaside resorts.
SWORDS OR PISTOLS - by Maria Greene. All about dueling, rules, weapons, places duels were
PUTTING ASUNDER - by Laurel Watson. 19th C. divorce laws.
OLD LONDON STREET MARKETS - by Jeanne Carmichael. Colorful history about markets.
MARKET NEWS - by Marilyn Clay. Reports from New York from Regency romance editors.
July/August 1993
SUMMERTIME - by Margaret E. Porter. Games played by Regency children and adults; other
warm weather diversions.
QUEEN OF REGENCY ROMANCE - by Jeanne Carmichael. Bio. of Georgette Heyer.
THE INFAMOUS ARMY - by Alicia Rasley. Wellington's army, famous battle sites.
THE REGENCY CHRONOLOGY:1814-1817 - by Marilyn Clay. The Vienna Congress, the Corn Laws,
Princess Charlotte's wedding.